Express Entry 개선 사항: 2017년 봄
2017년 6월 6일 이후
강력한 프랑스어 능력을 가진 후보자에 대한 가산점, 영어 능력이 있는 후보자에게 더 많은 가산점
2017년 6월 6일, 영어 능력 여부에 관계없이 강력한 프랑스어 능력을 갖춘 Express Entry 후보자는 CRS에서 추가 점수를 받게 됩니다.
NLC(Niveaux de Competence linguistique canadiens) 레벨 7의 프랑스어(듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기) 언어 능력 모두에서 테스트 결과와 Canadian Language Benchmark의 영어 테스트 결과에 대해 총 15점이 추가로 부여됩니다. (CLB) 4 이하.
CLB 5 이상의 프랑스어 및 영어 시험 결과에서 4가지 기술 모두에서 레벨 7의 NLC 시험 결과에 대해 총 30점이 추가로 부여됩니다.
프랑스어를 구사하는 새 이민자들은 캐나다 전역의 불어권 소수 민족 커뮤니티의 성장, 활력 및 번영에 기여합니다.
캐나다에 형제자매가 있는 후보자에 대한 추가 포인트
2017년 6월 6일 Express Entry 시스템은 캐나다에 형제 자매가 있는 후보자에게 15점을 부여합니다.
이 점수를 얻으려면 후보자는 형제자매가 캐나다 시민이거나 캐나다에 거주하고 있는 18세 이상의 영주권자임을 증명해야 합니다.
캐나다에 거주하는 형제 자매는 Express Entry 주 신청자 또는 배우자 또는 사실혼 배우자와 어머니 또는 아버지를 공유해야 합니다. 이 관계는 혈연, 결혼, 사실혼 관계 또는 입양을 통해 이루어질 수 있습니다.
Job Bank 등록 자발적

Updated NOC 2021 eligibility criteria for Express Entry

* Key groups of TEER 2 and 3 that are eligible for the FSTP include: Major Group 72, technical trades and transportation officers and controllers, excluding Sub-Major Group 726, transportation officers and controllers; Major Group 73, general trades; Major Group 82, supervisors in natural resources, agriculture and related production; Major Group 83, occupations in natural resources and related production; Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors, and utilities operators and controllers; Major Group 93, central control and process operators and aircraft assembly assemblers and inspectors, excluding Sub-Major Group 932, aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors; Minor Group 6320, cooks, butchers and bakers, and; Unit Group 62200, chefs.
Occupational eligibility changes made for Express Entry with move to NOC 2021
With the transition to NOC 2021, 16 occupations will become newly eligible for Express Entry, while three occupations become ineligible. The three newly ineligible occupations will remain eligible for programs with broader occupational eligibility criteria, such as some streams of the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).
16 new eligible occupations:
Payroll administrators
Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
Nurse aides, orderlies, and patient service associates
Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
Sheriffs and bailiffs
Correctional service officers
By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
Residential and commercial installers and servicers
Pest controllers and fumigators
Other repairers and servicers
Transport truck drivers
Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
Heavy equipment operators
Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors
Three new ineligible occupations:
Other performers
Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport, and fitness
Tailors, dressmakers, furriers, and milliners
Implementation of NOC 2021 has implications on the CRS:
Similarly, with the changes described above with the FSWP, the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points given for arranged employment will now follow the updated Skill Type/Level chart introduced with the NOC 2021 system.
Example: if a candidate would have received 50 points for arranged employment in Skill Type/Level 0, A or B, they will still get those points if their NOC is in TEER 0, 1, 2 or 3
Next steps based on your personal situation:
Depending on where an individual candidate is in their Express Entry journey, IRCC requires different actions in accordance with the switch to NOC 2021.
Firstly, those who have not yet submitted an Express Entry profile but plan to do so on or after today’s switch will be required to find and submit their occupation’s code in line with the NOC 2021 when filling out the profile.
Candidates who have submitted a profile but have not received an Invitation to Apply (ITA) have different instructions from IRCC. In this case, candidates will need to update their submitted Express Entry profile any time after the changes are implemented. This will require the applicant to search the NOC 2021 and update their profile with their TEER category and new five-digit occupation NOC code.
Finally, anyone who got their ITA prior to November 16 must submit their Express Entry application using NOC 2016 (using the NOC code provided at the time of receipt).
Key notes about selection factor points for the FSWP:
The points given for selection factors as part of the Federal Skilled Workers Program (FSWP) will now follow the updated Skill Type/Level chart introduced with the NOC 2021 system.
Example: If a candidate would have received 10 points for arranged employment in Skill Type/Level 0, A or B, they will still get those points for arranged employment in TEER 0, 1, 2 or 3.